Sl.No Item Name Quantity
1 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites Algorithm/Model Inspection 4Nos.
2 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites Standardization of targeted platform model 4Nos.
3 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites Model testing on hardware and report generation 4Nos.
4 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites - Hosting the model including updates 4Nos.
5 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites - Processing of model and downlink of insights (Pass/Run) 24Nos.
6 CNN Model Inspection, up-linking and evaluation on-board remote sensing satellites -Uplink rate for size <= 20 MBps 3Nos.