Sl No Corrigendum Details Document Updated at
1 Deliberations by way of Addendum on 07.02.2025 1. As indicated in the RFP, Test console required for testing will be provided by ISRO, whereas all the other equipments are vendor’s responsibility. The value of Test console for Power Electronics hardware testing is approximately Rs. 65 Lakhs whereas for TMTC and Control electronics hardware testing is approximately Rs. 1 Crore. In case of test console breakdown at vendor facility, necessary technical support shall be provided by URSC. Test consoles will be provided to the vendors against submission of the bank guarantee of equivalent value 2. In assembly and testing of few modules/packages, it is essential to carry out thermal greasing. The necessary training for this activity shall be provided by URSC. The part number for the procurement of thermal grease will be provided by URSC. 3. Some of the flight hardware may undergo EMI/EMC test at URSC facility. To carry out these tests, vendor test team support is required. 4. If any equipment mentioned in RFP is under procurement by the vendor, it shall be clearly mentioned in the bid. Purchase order details for the same shall be attached. 5. Fabrication and availability of mechanical fixture, for vibration test and dissipative plate, for mounting of packages during testing is the responsibility of the Vendor. 6. For package level testing, individual cell simulator is the part of test console, therefore separate unit may not be required. 7. Running Bank Guarantee is applicable up to the maximum value of the package. Download 07-02-2025 16:40
2 Corrigendum with Pre-Bid meeting on 31.01.2025 Please note that Corrigendum to the schedule is issued. Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled on 31.01.2025 (Friday) 10:00AM at URSC. Interested vendors may mail to on or before 28.01.2025 at 12:00Hrs Download 16-01-2025 14:48